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At Stopsley High School, we recognise the importance of homework as a method of both consolidating prior learning and preparing for new learning. 

  • Homework encourages self-development and helps develop skills to manage time effectively. 

  • Homework related to learning during school time is important and helps our students’ become independent learners.

  • Homework gives students an opportunity to reinforce the skills they have learnt in the classroom and prepare for future learning.

  • Students who complete regular homework don't just perform better at school and during exams, they learn broader life skills and associate hard work with long term rewards. 

Research shows that students who complete homework regularly make at least 5 months of additional progress each year.

Each tutor group in Years 7, 8 and 9 has a personalised homework timetable; these can be viewed below.  Year 10 and 11 students also have a homework timetable that can be viewed below.

  • Each Key Stage 3 homework task should take the students between 20 and 30 minutes to complete and 45 minutes to 1 hour for English, maths and science.

  • Each Key Stage 4 homework task should take the students between 45 minutes to 1 hour to complete.

  • Students will be given at least one week to complete each task and submit it to their teacher.

  • Details of the task and how it needs to be submitted will be posted on Satchel:One on the day the homework task is set and explained to the students during their lesson. 

  • If your child needs support, they must speak to or email their teacher before the deadline.

  • If your child does not have a quiet place to work at home, they can go to the Homework Club after school.

It is the expectation that students will complete the homework set by each of their teachers; if it is not 

Homework Club is available on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays after school from 3.10pm to 4pm.  Students can either go to A057, where computers are available, or go to the Library on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.  A member of staff will be available to support your child.  

If you would like any further information regarding homework please feel free to email Mrs Ramsay on


Use the links below to access some of the websites that are used for homework, or that can be used to support your child with their homework:

All Homework will be listed on Satchel One for parents and students to view tasks. 

Click HERE for further information on how parents can access Satchel One to view Homework.


 New Oak Site 


Please find links below to current homework timetables by year group, and form.   

Common questions for parents can be found here: LINK

A parent's guide to Satchel One can be found here: