Geography Field Trip

On Wednesday 14th November, 57 students from the two classes of GCSE Geography embarked on a trip to Cromer beach in Norfolk. The three hour bus ride each way was not enough to ruin their spirits before they spent the afternoon investigating the effect coastal management has on the erosion in Cromer. On top of measuring the gradient, counting waves, making field sketches and enjoying some fresh fish and chips the students were asked to interview a number of locals to get some qualitative data.
The teachers on the trip (Ms. Duvenage, Mr. Uddin, Mr. Tataryn and Mr. Bacci) were approached numerous times by residents asking which school these pupils had come from and commenting on how well-mannered and respectful they were. The students represented the school excellently while learning about coastal management and erosion in a far more meaningful way than any text book could ever do for them.